Creating Safe Workspaces Together!
WorkCare is New Zealand’s premiere drug and alcohol risk assessment agency. We are the first risk assessment company to offer a one stop-shop; from helping with your Drug and alcohol testing policy, delivering Drug and Alcohol education with tailored Drug and Alcohol programs, we can assist with any Drug and alcohol testing facts with direct contact to the experts, and conduct all your drug and alcohol testing requirements, and now one of the first to be able to offer Drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs to their clients.
Our experts have extensive knowledge in drug and alcohol screening, and as one of the pioneers in the Drug testing industry they have the ability to deliver a higher level of education and one of the few who can say they have hands on experience, looking at prevention, compliance and rehabilitation. We have state of the art equipment and processes.
We have the ability to do on-site Drug and alcohol testing with our custom built mobile testing vehicles, we also have collection sites around the country so that we can deliver a more cost effective service when it comes to Pre-Employment drug testing and client requirements. Our staff members are trained professionals, not only are they fully competent in all aspects of drug and alcohol testing procedures but understand the importance of the impact they have on the individuals.
Not only looking at Drug testing companies for health and safety but the greater aspect is Drug testing for welfare. We are relentless in our commitment to safer work places. At WorkCare New Zealand, we work diligently with you to eliminate drug and alcohol issues in your workplace. This improves the environment in your workplace, which leads to a more productive business.
Above all we do this because we care about the communities we live and work in.